Fall Field Trips

Check Back in Spring 2025 for Fall Field Trips!

Here is some information about our 2024 field trips. This will be updated for our 2025 fall field trips in the summer.

We are excited to share our fall field trip with you! Please review the information on this page carefully.

We will be hosting field trips Wednesday-Friday from September 25th to October 31st.

Please Note: We have gone cashless! Admissions is the only area on the farm that accepts cash.

1. Buses may park in the designated bus parking, on the gravel below the farm store (as depicted on the map). Cars may park wherever.
2. One of our farmers will greet you at the admission entrance. We will collect payment, answer any questions, and distribute Plumper stickers to each attendee (students, adults, and teachers). The stickers allow us to see that admission has been paid, and to differentiate your group from the general public.
3. Once payment has been processed and your group is ready to begin, our farmer will lead you to our field trip tent for your group’s educational farm talk.
4. After your group’s farm talk, you are free to explore the farm and work through our field trip stations. Our stations are self-guided, meaning your group may go through the stations in any order, and may stay at each station for as long as you’d like.

  • Pumpkin Talk – One of our farmers will teach your group all about pumpkins! We’ll explain the life cycle of a pumpkin, answer your questions about the farm, and even have some hands on exploration with some of our pumpkin varieties. Pumpkin talks are expected to last 10-15 minutes.
  • Spookley Storybook Walk - "Spookley the Square Pumpkin" is a children's book written by Joe Troiano. It tells the story of Spookley, a unique square-shaped pumpkin who faces teasing and exclusion from other pumpkins because of his shape. Despite his differences, Spookley proves that being different is okay and learns to embrace his uniqueness. The book teaches valuable lessons about acceptance, tolerance, and the importance of being true to oneself. Your group will follow signs that tell the story of Spookley. It's a great opportunity for a read aloud, or for older kids to practice reading! This station is fun for any age, but generally better suits students 1st grade and older.
  • Animals - Meet and interact with our friendly farm animals and uncover fun facts about cows, goats, sheep, chickens, and more!
  • Hayride – Enjoy a scenic ride on our hayride through our pumpkin fields! You will have the option of being dropped off at our field trip pumpkin fields or at our hayride loading area.
  • Pumpkin Picking – Search through our exclusive field trip pumpkin field for the perfect pumpkin to bring home! All attendees of the field trip (students, chaperones, and teachers) are able to choose a sugar pie pumpkin of their own.
  • Activity Field - Students can burn off energy in our ball zone, enjoy thrilling slides, and explore various play areas, providing a perfect balance of education and recreation.
  • We collect payment for field trips upon arrival. Payments can be made with cash, check, or card. We suggest designating one person in your group to collect payment beforehand to ensure the check-in process runs smoothly. If your school requires an invoice or for payment to be made over the phone, please let us know.
  • Field trip admission is based on the date of your field trip.
    • $9/person before October 11th
    • $11/person after October 11th
  • Admission is required for all students and adults, including children aged 2+.
  • One teacher per class is free. 
  • We have a minimum group size of 15, and a maximum of 150 per timeslot. These numbers include students, adults, and teachers.
  • You are welcome to have your group eat lunch/snack while at the farm. We have limited covered eating areas and picnic tables that are on a first come first serve basis.
  • Our fall field trips are estimated to be 1.5-2 hours long. This depends on how much time your group spends at each station and if your group has lunch/snack at the farm.
  • One of our field trip stations is pumpkin picking. All students and chaperones are invited to pick a free sugar pie pumpkin out from our field trip pumpkin fields to take home! We suggest that students bring a bag/pillowcase to transport their (possibly muddy) pumpkin home.
  • We will hold our field trips rain or shine, so please communicate to families that students will need to be wearing appropriate clothing to be outside in any weather.

Experience the Farm

Farm Animals

Visit the Animals

On our farm we have many animals: pigs, an alpaca, cows, goats, rabbits, turkeys, chickens, sheep and more! Children love to check out the farm animals and the animals love the attention!

Hay Ride at Plumper Pumpkin Patch & Tree Farm

Tour the Farm

Take a scenic hayride though our Christmas trees and into our upper field. The pay off is at the top of hill, when you look down at the full spread of the farm and valley below. Our custom built wood trailer is pulled by one of our tractors and has a real down home farm feel. The trailers are also covered, so you can take refuge from the Oregon rain if needed.

Farm Activities - Slides & Mazes


Play on our mazes and slides. We have 5 tube slides, a rope spider web and 2 different mazes all suitable for children and adults to enjoy! Pick your very own sugar pie pumpkin to take home. Stay longer and play in our fallow field, or in our play structure and tire garden.


Weather on the Farm - Rain or Shine

We will conduct your farm tour rain or shine. We will do our best to customize your tour to fit the rapidly changing weather here in Oregon, and we do have many covered areas. The farm talk inside our barn and the hay ride is covered. We also have several covered spaces for your group to gather to eat their snack or lunch.

Our best advice is to make sure that your group is dressed properly. Rain coats, umbrellas and rubber boots are always a good choice when rain threatens!


Food, Popcorn, Plumper Farms

Have lunch or a snack in one of our picnic areas. Apple cider and kettle corn are great options for a snack here on the farm, bring your own smaller containers to split up the large containers we sell.

Treat your group to a colorful harvest experience!

More Activities

Spring Field Trip Fun

School Buses

School Buses

Sometimes school buses coming from the south prefer to avoid the sharp curves of Old Cornelius Pass Road below the farm.

An alternate route is to take Cornelius Pass Road to the top of the hill at Skyline Boulevard, turning left/west. Then turn left/south at the quick stop sign and then turn right into the driveway a quarter mile from the last turn.

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Always know what's new and exciting at Plumper Pumpkin Patch & Tree Farm!

Contact Us

P: (503) 645-9561
E: office@plumperpumpkins.com


Closed for the Winter

Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Closed
Wednesday - Closed
Thursday - Closed
Friday - Closed
Saturday - Closed
Sunday - Closed

Come Visit

11435 NW Old Cornelius Pass Rd
Portland, OR 97231

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